Work: Websites

Harriman Website

Harriman website design and development top image

Harriman website design and development project page in monitor image

Harriman website design and development project page image

Design and devel­opment of the Harriman website. Harriman provides services in archi­tecture, engineering, urban design, planning, and landscape archi­tecture. Prior to the redesign, the Harriman website simply demon­strated a portfolio of archi­tec­tural projects while updating content was based on a third-party service. Harriman, located in Maine, was devel­oping three other studios in Maine, New Hampshire, and Boston, Massa­chu­setts. Although all studios were cross disci­plinary, marketing deter­mined that clients gravi­tated to the company based on specific markets and services.

The new Harriman website needed to dynam­i­cally present projects to their audience based on market and service interests. Under­lying the vast amount of projects were stories to be told about the processes of each project. Sections of the website were desig­nated for profiles, both client-wise and Harriman-wise, on individuals involved with the projects as well as sections denoted to community activism.

The specific website goals were to:

  • Showcase the entire scope of their projects including their respective markets and services
  • Create multiple custom slideshows for individual projects and develop user interface directly on project post
  • Allow users to filter projects through their own personal selec­tions of markets and services and combi­na­tions of the two
  • Showcase the individual leadership person­al­ities at Harriman and allow for personnel customized social links and highlighted projects
  • Allow for a third-party Career portal through the website and presen­tation customized to integrate seamlessly through site
  • Allow flexi­bility in the homepage design for new subject matter and reordering of sections and portals
  • Icons devel­opment designed for immediate recog­nition of markets and services


Wireframes were estab­lished to introduce new content and display updated versions of old content. This step also began troubleshooting new devel­opment concepts for Harriman such as a project filter and project slideshows.

Harriman Website wireframe

Harriman Homepage Wireframe

Design Exploration

Harriman Website Homepage Design with Smartphone View

Harriman Website Homepage Design with Smart­phone View

Harriman Website Design Interior Page Template with Smartphone View

Harriman Website Design Interior Page Template with Smart­phone View

Additional Interior Pages

Additional Interior Pages

Designs Viewed in Monitor and iPad