Author Archives: pkerycom

Student Work: Graphic Design Education

Collaborative Poster Designs

These poster designs were a collab­o­rative effort between the Graphic Design and Photog­raphy students at the Boston University Center for Digital Imaging Arts. The assignment was to create a series of posters on a subject matter of their own choosing, but every facet and element of the finished poster designs had to be original art […]

Work: Environmental Graphics

Norwood, MA — Wayfinding and Indentity Signage

Norwood Vanderbilt Business District entranceway signage comprehensive illustration

The Vanderbilt Area Commercial District (the “District”) is a mixed-use business and light indus­trial park in Norwood, Massa­chu­setts. Following is the design inves­ti­gation and production phases for the devel­opment of an entranceway sign and street signs within the park. Vendor Imple­men­tation Drawings Final Compre­hensive Sketches Alter­native Design Exploration

Work: Environmental Graphics

South Portland, Maine, Gateway Graphics — Casco Bridge Light Pole Coverings and Light Wand Designs

Environ­mental designs for the Casco Bay Bridge that spans Portland, Maine with South Portland, Maine. Graphics include base coverings for the street­light poles on the median of the bridge roadway (Rt. 77) and light wands marking the base of the bridge at both ends. Final Compre­hen­sives Design Studies and Inves­ti­gation   Production Installation

Work: Informational Graphics | Print and Publications

Informational Maps and Publication Design for Kennebunk Lower Village Streetscape Plan

Maps were designed illus­trating streetscape improve­ments and a publi­cation was created for the Lower Village in Kennebunk, Maine. The streetscape design will complement circu­lation improve­ments along the streets that converge at Coopers Corner. This prominent cross­roads is poorly suited to the flows of vehicles, bicyclists, and pedes­trians that pass through it. The Town is seeking […]

Student Work: Graphic Design Education

Web Design Education

The following are a mix of student projects from the Boston University Center for Digital Imaging Arts (BUCDIA) and the University of Minnesota. In the case of BUCDIA, these projects served as capstones and real-life websites for non-profit clients. Graduates worked directly with their clients to establish visual commu­ni­cation parameters and establish a schedule and […]

Work: Branding/Identities

Urban Ecological Security and Sustainability (UESS) Visual Identity

A visual identity for the Inter­na­tional Workshop for Urban Ecological Security and Sustain­ability. Increasing concerns over urban ecological security are now giving rise to strategies to recon­figure cities and their infra­struc­tures in ways that help to secure their ecological and material repro­duction. This branding offers a visual identity for an inter­na­tional workshop of discus­sions and […]

Work: Branding/Identities | Environmental Graphics

LUCY — Loop Through University City

Trans­portation graphics and branding created for Shuttle bus service through the University of Pennsyl­vania Campus. LUCY is the acronym for “Loop Through University City”. Identi­fying appli­ca­tions applied to entire shuttle bus line, street banners, direc­tional and infor­ma­tional signage. Visual Identity Trans­portation Graphics Direc­tional Signage, Banners, Posters