Work: Informational Graphics | Motion

To Walk Around Jupiter

How long it would take to walk around Jupiter image showing earth's diameter

Screenshot of Earth’s diameter

How long it would take to walk around Jupiter image of first four planets

Screenshot of Mercury, Venus, Earth, Mars

How long it would take to walk around Jupiter image

Screenshot of how long it would take to walk around Jupiter

This animated visual gives a sense of the vast difference in sizes between our planets in the solar system. Every one of the eight planets is intro­duced and shown how long a commercial airline flight could circle each of their equators. The length of time is also given if one could walk around each planet at its equator. The walk disre­gards the fact that half the planets are made of gas and illus­trates a non-stop journey.

How long it would take to walk around Jupiter image showing seven other planets

Screenshot displaying relative sizes of all planets except Jupiter

How long it would take to walk around Jupiter featured image

Screenshot of final image and all planets aligned