Author Archives: pkerycom

Student Work: Graphic Design Education

Letterforms in the Environment

As an initial exercise for their first typog­raphy class, design students were asked to take photos of their environment and travels and find a complete alphabet through their photog­raphy. They were asked to look for and discover letter­forms through the objects and struc­tures around them. Photos of actual letters or signage would not count. They […]

Work: Print and Publications

Exhibition Poster Design

Poster design for exhibition of student work from the College of Arts and Sciences at the University of the District of Columbia in Washington, DC. Imagery and typog­raphy captures the eccen­tricity of the various art depart­ments and disci­plines, while reflecting the spirit of UDC’s geography in the middle of our nation’s capital.

Student Work: Graphic Design Education | Print and Publications

Editorial Illustrations

top image for editorial illustrations showing multiple examples

Students explored and inves­ti­gated design solutions using a combi­nation of visual elements reflective of their chosen subject matter. Their design problem was to visually present an editorial based on a person, place, or an event. The work below is a combi­nation of first-year graphic design students and freshman students, who may or may not enter […]

Student Work: Graphic Design Education | Print and Publications

Poster Designs | Basic Forms

William Shirley, progressive series, 2D Digital Design, Spring 2023

William Shirley, progressive series, 2D Digital Design, Spring 2023

Progressive Series Using Dots and Lines, Student Work, Univ. of Minnesota

Progressive Series Using Dots and Lines, Student Work, Univ. of Minnesota

The following are first-year under­graduate student poster designs using lines and basic forms and shapes. They are part of a two dimen­sional digital design course. Not all of the partic­i­pating students are design majors. Many of the students have their majors in post-secondary and elementary education, business, biology, accounting, and plain studio arts. This course […]

Work: Motion | Research | Websites

CSS Animated Clocks

Progressive Series Using Dots and Lines, Student Work, Univ. of Minnesota

Progressive Series Using Dots and Lines, Student Work, Univ. of Minnesota

The following is research inves­ti­gating the use of CSS animation for digital clock designs. During my recent graduate studies, I had been thinking back to my first experience as an under­graduate graphic design student in Philadelphia. My first-year design class began with black and white compo­si­tions composed of simple dot arrange­ments. I eventually learned that these […]

Work: Research | Writings

The Steel

Pages 66-67, "The Steel" spread

Sample spread from thesis pages 66-67, "The Steel"

Pages 94-95, "The Steel" spread

Pages 94-95

The following essay is from my graduate thesis at the Vermont College of Fine Art. The entire following narrative does not appear in the front portion of the thesis where images and text together tell a slightly different story about the Bethlehem Steel. The following would appear further back in the publi­cation. I grew up […]

Work: Research | Writings

An Introduction On Lost

photograph white trees by Peter Kery

Peter Kery

The following essay is from my graduate thesis at the Vermont College of Fine Art. Most, but not all, of the following text is found within the publi­cation, On Lost. The narrative, which is about how I lost my way on a hike off the shores of Lake Superior, does not exactly follow the same […]

Work: Print and Publications | Research

14 Posters 14 Days

All 14 Posters in 14 Days

All 14 Posters in 14 Days with Some Variations Included

While exploring ideas and themes for a thesis, I enter­tained the idea of designing a poster per day over a period of time. I designed fourteen posters in fourteen days. The content of the posters were based on some of my writings or based on personal experi­ences throughout the day. The intention was to not […]