Author Archives: pkerycom

Work: Research


The following is a research and photo documen­tation project called, Textures. These photographs and layout exper­i­men­ta­tions are based on my daily walks through the woods of Massa­chu­setts and Minnesota. They are photographs of places that I contin­ually journey past but have decided to pause this one moment and take a closer look at the landscape […]

Student Work: Graphic Design Education

Letterform Gestalts

Typog­raphy students were asked to create a visual config­u­ration by inventing a combi­nation of letter­forms from the alphabet. By inves­ti­gating propor­tions, weights, counter-forms, and other shape relation­ships, students gain an increase awareness of the physical aspects of letters as forms. This use of typog­raphy joinery creates a visual gestalt (a physical, biological, psycho­logical, or symbolic […]

Student Work: Graphic Design Education

Book Jacket Designs

Students created book jacket designs for a publi­cation of their choice. Sketching and the overall process included what imagery or visual language is appro­priate for the story. Discus­sions also included the difference between stories told on printed pages and stories told on film. Filmog­raphy imagery was avoided on purpose. Students inves­ti­gated imagery for their book […]

Student Work: Graphic Design Education

Poster Designs —
A Visual Vocabulary

Students from the University of Minnesota Duluth were asked to create poster designs that promoted a documentary series, exhibition, organi­zation, or a music appli­cation. The creation of visual and suitable imagery would be of their own choosing and be based on their own research and sketching process. Students would be devel­oping their own visual vocabulary […]

Student Work: Graphic Design Education

Graphic Translations

Students in the Graphic Design Department at the University of Minnesota Duluth were asked to create graphic trans­la­tions of an animal, bird, or insect. Students were first asked to develop the trans­lation as a black and white form without shading or grada­tions. The results were turned into a color version and a version to serve […]

Student Work: Graphic Design Education

Data Visualization Using the U.S. Map

Students are given a map of the United States. They are charged with creating an infor­ma­tional graphic. Data and content is of their choice. Research, inter­preting, critiquing, and producing infographics are great ways for student designers to learn and practice data and literacy skills. Research and discus­sions included: the inter­pre­tation of various infographics; reading and […]

Work: Branding/Identities | Websites

Cartel Auto Parts

Cartel Auto Parts top image photo

Cartel Auto Parts is an independent, family-owned and operated business. They have been estab­lished in Southwest Philadelphia since 1968. This assignment is a branding, website design and devel­opment. project for a set of junkyards! The objective of the project was to draw more attention and make the public aware of their multi-faceted facil­ities and operations. […]