Author Archives: pkerycom

Work: Research | Writings

The Steel

Pages 66-67, "The Steel" spread

Sample spread from thesis pages 66-67, "The Steel"

Pages 94-95, "The Steel" spread

Pages 94-95

The following essay is from my graduate thesis at the Vermont College of Fine Art. The entire following narrative does not appear in the front portion of the thesis where images and text together tell a slightly different story about the Bethlehem Steel. The following would appear further back in the publi­cation. I grew up […]

Work: Research | Writings

An Introduction On Lost

photograph white trees by Peter Kery

Peter Kery

The following essay is from my graduate thesis at the Vermont College of Fine Art. Most, but not all, of the following text is found within the publi­cation, On Lost. The narrative, which is about how I lost my way on a hike off the shores of Lake Superior, does not exactly follow the same […]

Work: Print and Publications | Research

14 Posters 14 Days

All 14 Posters in 14 Days

All 14 Posters in 14 Days with Some Variations Included

While exploring ideas and themes for a thesis, I enter­tained the idea of designing a poster per day over a period of time. I designed fourteen posters in fourteen days. The content of the posters were based on some of my writings or based on personal experi­ences throughout the day. The intention was to not […]

Student Work: Graphic Design Education

Photographic Montages

First-year and out-of-major students were asked to create photo­graphic montages using archi­tec­tural photog­raphy or other related elements. Students were also receiving their first foray into file management, selection techniques, layers, and layer masks while learning Adobe Photoshop. This assignment is based on the history of photog­ra­phers exper­i­menting with the medium’s physi­cality and creating a whole […]

Student Work: Graphic Design Education

Animation Announcements

Students from the University of Minnesota, Duluth campus, were asked to create an animated banner ad using After Effects for an exhibition or lecture about its subject. The choice of subjects were scien­tists or explorers that were well regarded in their respective fields of study. Students were learning the software program as well as information […]

Student Work: Graphic Design Education

Expressive Typography Posters

expressive typography posters top image

Students developed the following poster designs as a visual inter­pre­tation using their own written content. This project was the culmi­nation of a first-semester graphic design typographic class at the University of Minnesota, Duluth. Students first chose a set of words of their own liking and then inves­ti­gated how those words may fit into grammatical structures […]

Student Work: Graphic Design Education

Minimalist Movie Posters

What does it mean to put a single image on a page? A single word? A word with an image? How does the meaning of the word change when an image is intro­duced next to it? Does the context of the image change? First year graphic design students at the University of Minnesota, Duluth, were […]

Student Work: Graphic Design Education

Branding a Restaurant

Various restaurant logos University of Minnesota, Duluth, Spring 2022

First year graphic design students at the University of Minnesota — Duluth, were asked to create branding for a local eatery of their choice. The logo would be used for a take-out app design and as inspi­ration for identi­fying icons used within the app. The visual language of the brand would also be used for […]